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This article helps the user with the form. 

The Eligibility Determination form

The Eligibility Determination form is required when the disability is selected on the Disabilities screen.

When the form is opened, the criteria statement and exclusionary clause for the disability appears on the Eligibility Determination form.

  1. Select the areas of disability, if appropriate, the areas auto-fill on the Evaluation or Reevaluation Summary form.

  2. Enter the information from the SSD template provided by your department in the text box.

  3. Answer the professional judgment question, if available.  (The professional judgment questions will not appear on the printed version)

  4. Save

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If an Eligibility Determination form is showing as required but shouldn't, the form can be reset. The first step is to return to the Disabilities screen and mark the disability that created the form Not Eligible. OR if the disability was accidentally added during the time the event is open, it can be deleted. Then follow the steps to Resetting Forms.

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