The Phoenix Evaluation Chair training is required for all new School Psychologists and Speech-Language Pathologists. Special Education Process Training should be completed first. Questions about the training should be directed to your Effective Practice Specialist or your Special Education Coordinator.
Speech-Language Pathologists should also complete the Phoenix Technical IEP Chair training before attending Phoenix Technical Evaluation Chair training to receive basic navigation information. Training for Speech-Language Pathologists are 1/2 day sessions in August and September and do not cover basic navigation.
More information, including the dates and times for all sessions, is available on the training flyer which can be downloaded here. Click here to register for a fall 2024 Phoenix Evaluation Chair training. You can also search in KickUp for Phoenix training for IEP Chairs to register for the prerequisite.
Evaluation Chairs are also required to complete ESI Caselog training. This training is an online, self-directed course that is taken at your own pace. The link to the training is below.
Resources provided during training, as well as some additional support documents, can be downloaded below. These links will always download are the most recent version of a documentversions.
Evaluation Chair Training Resources - PowerPoints
Evaluation Chair Training Part 1 - Basic Navigation
Evaluation Chair Training Part 1 2 - Initial Eligibility
Evaluation Chair Training Part 2 3 - Reevaluation
Evaluation Chair Training Part 3 4 - Transfers & Exits
Training Resources - Please click here for Quick Start Cards Chair Training Part 1-Basic Navigation2021-22.pptx
For Caselog Training, click here.
Please click here for additional resources.
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Phoenix Videos
Click here to open Microsoft Stream and view the videos for completing evaluation events. There are 4 videos which have about a 15-minute time commitment. The videos are powered by Microsoft Stream service. Stream requires you to be logged into your Office 365 account. This account uses your long SSD user name ( and your SSD password.
Below are individual links to the videos:
Creating an Event
Completing Forms and Locking Events
Eligibility Section-The Eligibility Summary and Disabilities Screens
If there any references to the Notice of Action (NOA), in Phoenix the form name has been replaced with the current form name, Prior Written Notice (PWN), however the videos are not updated.
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Key Points to Remember After Training
Initial Joint Review/Consent Event (IJR) |
The first date sent or given of the PWN to obtain consent should be within 30 days from the referral date. If additional data is needed, the Areas to be Assessed must also be sent. If you send home an Areas to be Assessed and later determine that you will use a different assessment, you do not have to send an update to the parent. You have 60 days from the consent received date (on the PWN) to hold the eligibility conference, therefore when the Initial Eligibility event is generated by Phoenix, the due date is 60 days from the consent received date.
Initial Eligibility Event |
The event automatically generates due 60 days from the consent received date from the PWN for consent in the locked IJR. If a student was tested in an area but did not qualify, the report is written in the text box on the Evaluation Summary (some departments may use the Additional Information page instead). Do not complete any forms or screens after the Evaluation Results and Interpretation form until after the eligibility conference. If testing, attach assessment results. Make sure all testers have entered their information in the event. Proof read, proof read and proof read again before locking the event in Phoenix using by selecting Print to view the event as a pdf. All initial eligibility events are automatically added to ESI because Caselog must be completed to verify compliance and to sent the evaluation report home to the parents. The event will automatically appear on your Evaluation Chair Queue in ESI on the homepage as long as you are assigned as Evaluation Chair, verify using the Personnel tab in Caselog. Verify the compliance of your event and all dates are accurate in Caselog BEFORE locking the event in Phoenix.
Reevaluation |
The event automatically generates due 3 years from the Actual Date of the previous evaluation event. Before storing your NOM for an eligibility conference, make sure the IEP Chair has stored the NOM from the Review of Existing Data meeting first. They must be in order before you lock the event. The PWN-Additional Data and the Areas to be Assessed will not be required in the event even when it is determined that additional data is needed, however, they must be completed and sent to parent. We make at least 2 attempts to obtain consent from the parent and give 10 days for a response on each attempt. If the parent does not respond after the 21st day, then we can assume consent and proceed with testing. You can also consult with your coordinator on how to proceed. If testing, attach assessment results. Make sure all testers have entered their information in the event. Reevaluations that require an evaluation report must be added to ESI Caselog. Verify you are assigned as the Evaluation Chair to the event using the Personnel tab in ESI Caselog. Verify badges are accurate in ESI Caselog BEFORE locking the event in Phoenix. Proof read, proof read and proof read again. View the pdf of the event before you lock it.
Corrections |
Remember to verify if the parent has been sent a copy of the evaluation report using your evaluation chair queue in ESI. Status will be “Evaluation Not Warranted”, “Completed”, “Report Sent”, “File Received”, “File Not Received” or “Evaluation Complete” or any pending file status. If a copy of the report has been sent to the parent, the Correction Notification form must be completed in the correction event to inform the parent of changes. When a correction is completed on an initial eligibility or a reevaluation in Phoenix, Caselog also requires a correction process to be completed.
Transfers |
The School Psychologist completes the In-State (or Out-of-State) Transfer Student Documentation form and accepts or rejects the evaluation report based on DESE’s eligibility criteria. If the evaluation report is accepted from the sending school, the Disabilities screen is completed in the Transfer event. If the evaluation report from the sending school is rejected, a reevaluation is completed for an in-state transfer or an Initial Joint Review Consent event for an out-of-state transfer. Phoenix will create the event once the Transfer event is locked.
Exits |
Depending on the scenario, the event is either automatically generated or user generated. The Exit event should be completed within 10 days of the exiting decision from a previously locked event. Your department may require you to complete and lock the event the same day it is created.