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This page will go through the steps of enrolling a device into Endpoint Manager and Autopilot.


Adding a Device record to Group Membership in Azure Active Directory

To access Azure Active Directory you can chose the Admin Tile within Office 365 or follow this LINK. After clicking on the link you will need to select Azure Active Directory.

  1. To get to the main options for Azure AD click the Azure Active Directory on the left panel

  2. First, let’s make sure that the device is in Azure AD after being bound to the on prem AD domain

  3. Under the Manage selections chose “Devices”

  4. Search for the computer name of the device we want to enroll

  5. Click on “Azure Active Directory” on the left to go back to the original set of options

  6. Select “Groups” from the panel to the right.

  7. Search for the ManualAutoPilot group

  8. Click on the ManualAutoPilot group to open up the options for that group

  9. We want to add the device that is enrolling to this group so you will select “Members”

  10. After selecting “Members” you should click the “+ Add Members”

  11. Search for the computer name or Azure ID of the device you want to add to the group

  12. Click on the device and then click on the blue “Select” button

  13. You are ready to reset the device.


Changing the Name of the Device

You will be working within Endpoint Manager. You can access Endpoint Manager through the Admin Tile in Office 365 or through this LINK.

  1. Once you’re in Endpoint Manager you will select “Devices”

  2. Select “Windows” as the platform

  3. Search for the device by its serial number. In most cases (as of July 2021) it’ll show up as Desktop-RANDOMSTUFF

  4. Select the device you’re working on. You should see a screen with the following information

  5. To change the name select the three “…”'s to find a “Rename Device” selection

  6. A new pane will open and you can type in SSD-SERIALNUMBER

  7. Select “Yes” for restart after if you are with the system otherwise leave this option as “no”

  8. If everything worked correctly you should see a Restart and Rename “Complete” Status in the device record


  1. Only add the Device record when the name change has completed and Azure Active Directory and Endpoint Manager displays the correct name. If either name is wrong then sync has not completed between the two and the Autopilot profile will not work correctly

    1. Checking accuracy in Endpoint Manager - Under Devices → Windows you can search for the serial number of the device and see if the name is SSD-SERIALNUMBER

    2. Checking accuracy in Azure Active Directory - Under Devices you can search for SSD-SERIALNUMBER. Because we are a Hybrid AD setup you should see two records that match.

      1. If you see more than two you will need to stop and figure out where the rogue records came from.

      2. If you only see one record then the device’s name update has not sync’d with Azure.

  2. You will want to add the Endpoint Manager system to the ManualAutopilot groupuse Azure Active Directory to put the device record into ManualAutoPilot group.

  3. Select “Azure Active Directory” then “Groups” from the panel to the right.

  4. Search for the ManualAutoPilot group

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  5. Click on the ManualAutoPilot group to open up the options for that group

  6. You will select “Members” then the “+ Add Members”

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  7. When searching for a device you will see both devices. You can add both devices without it duplicating anything as it will only keep one entry.

  8. After the device record is added to ManualAutoPilot group you will have to wait between 10 minutes to 36 hours for the next step to complete. (Yes I’m serious and so is Microsoft)

  9. You will want to use Endpoint Manager for verifying that Autopilot profile is assigned and working

  10. When you’re in Endpoint Manager you’ll select “Devices”

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  11. Select “Enroll Devices”

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  12. Select the “Devices” option under Windows Autopilot Deployment Program

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  13. Search by serial number to see the device you’re working with

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  14. This is an example of what you should see:

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  15. When clicking the checkbox next to the device you can change the settings of the device when its imaged/Autopilot Restored.

    1. You can set the name as SSD-SERIAL

    2. You can set the primary user

  16. The record may have one of the following Autopilot Profile Statuses

    1. “Not assigned” - Typical of a device first exchanging data between itself and Autopilot/Azure

    2. “Pending” or “Downloaded” or “Installing” - The profile exchange is complete but one or both entities have not confirmed a working profile yet.

    3. “Assigned” - The exchange is complete and an Autopilot profile is on the system and ready for use